Monday, August 3


aj had his first ice cream cone.

all that first time sugar came bursting out with lots of energy and aj started dancing.

but do not tell him he had his first bites of ice cream. maybe he will not ask for it again for a long time.

(i know you are wondering what in the world am i doing blogging so much. well , big daddy has been hiking out west. i packed up and headed to my fam's for the week. i have had lots of fun and lots of help.)


we played at the forum.
here is my model.

and here is my elf.

when daddy is away...

aj gets alot of mommy time.
maybe too much. he asked and i simply said okay (to pass some time!).

the ironic thing about this happening is that i am reading a book about raising boys to become the strong men of charachter God created them to be (especially in this culture of men being feminized. ). i was not helping the cause in this moment.

if you did not see tays' beautiful girl caught in the act of putting makeup on, i think you should head over to see.

Saturday, August 1


if anyone has 55 minutes to sit and listen to a testimony on the internet... i highly recommend this woman's. she was a young woman (wife and mother of two young ones) who died of cancer very bravely, and gave her testimony to a group of ladies before she passed away.

grab your tissues.

Thursday, July 30

lake hartwell 09

vacation with lightfoots (minus leebs).
we were so blessed this past week to be on lake hartwell at this gorgeous house and play with fun fun toys on the lake. outside was were we stayed day and night.
(since i have been so bad at updates, i am going to give you tons of pics b/c that is my fav part of blogs. )

aj loves anything water and had so much fun. he could say "big boat", "lake", and "ski" for jet ski.

we rode these all day long.

adam is always catching animals for aj. imagine that.... but also imagine this... adam catches this HUGE bull frog one night after aj has gone to bed. big daddy is so excited to show ME that he comes into the bathroom (while i am sitting and unable to go anywhere) and the bull frog jumps to my feet. OHH MY WORD!

sweet boo with a book always by her side.
bubbles and tractors are our new things!
look at these two rooms. they were my fav in the whole house.

hope you all are still enjoying your summer. peace out!

Wednesday, July 15

st. augustine 09

we headed to the beach last week with adam's entire family (40 ish people) and had a blast. aj LOVED the "ochh". we were out there morning and evening. thank goodness we got a beach buddy.
( i do not really like any of my pics, so i will just give a few. )

aj and sazy with their cousins. precious time.

cup cake had her choosen spots on the beach.

and we had lots of fun together when we were actually together and not playing tag team. i find myself repeating "this is just a season of our lives" many times a day. for example: when i am up at 3am feeding a baby, when i just want a nap, when my husband goes out to the pool with one kid and i am inside feeding the other child, when 2 kids are up at night, when i just want to sit and snuggle with my husband but choose sleep instead. it is just a season!
i will say... it is one fun season (minus the sleep part), and i am loving every minute of it with my man. i could not do it without him. and in his words " i think we make one good team."